Where the Platypus Sleeps Childrens Book (Hardcover)

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Bandicoot Books
Where the Platypus Sleeps Hardcover Childrens Book

What better way to send your child off to sleep than bedtime songs with Australian animals. Join classic lullabies in one of the worlds best loved traditions.
0-8 years
Hardcover Book.
Publisher Bandicoot Books
Authors Steve and Marion Isham

ISBN 9780987384010

Platypus General Information

The Platypus is a unique and an Australian native. Platypus are monotremes which means egg-laying mammal. Monotremes have only 2 species in this group – the other is the Echidna.

The Platypus when first discovered was thought to be a fake due to the different species that could be associated with it – the bill of a duck, the webbed feet of an otter, the tail of a beaver. It caused quite a bit of confusion!

Platypuses spend most of their time in the water or in their burrow. They are found only in freshwater rivers or lakes. They create burrows for shelter and protection. They are mainly active late in the day and during the nights. The main threats to a Platypus are goannas, rats, snakes and foxes as well as man – through pollution and land clearing.

To watch a Platypus you must be very quiet and very patient – the slightest noise and they’re gone!


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